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YouTube Vanced v17.32.38

Build Date: 220824
Status: Last Build

- Bugfix: some 'Ad settings' toggles do not work as intended
- Bugfix: 'voting' button and 'new segment adding' button overlap with other layouts
- Bugfix: Buttons inside the player (Copy, AutoRepeat, Download) disappear at different speeds
- Bugfix: Sometimes the app crashes in the new interface
- Added settings: Comments Spoiler removal, Disable Auto captions, Suggested Actions, Premium Header, Change Downloader Package Name, Button Container (Experimental)
- Fixed incorrect description: 'Auto Repeat Button (In Player)' > 'Auto Play Button (In Player)', 'Dark Overlay on pause' > 'Transparent Overlay on pause'
- Settings that cannot be used unless 'Old Layout' is enabled are now disabled according to the 'Old Layout' setting value
- Toast notification is now displayed when MicroG is not installed (NON-ROOT only)
- Now supports Splash Animation in Vanced Icon version
- Vanced Icon is now applied to ROOT version as well
- Minor changes in settings interface
- Some setting items moved to Vanced Extended setting
- Display the Vanced Extended guidance dialog when the app is first launched
- Removed translucent circles on player controls background
- Updated some drawable resources

※ It is recommended to delete the previously installed version and install a new one.

KNOWN ISSUES (unsolvable problem)
- Ads still showing on some devices
- RYD not working on new interface
- HDR Brightness setting not working on some devices

@OxrxL: He implemented Disable Auto Captions settings and Button Container settings.

YouTube Vanced v17.32.38

Build Date: 220824
Status: Last Build

- Bugfix: some 'Ad settings' toggles do not work as intended
- Bugfix: 'voting' button and 'new segment adding' button overlap with other layouts
- Bugfix: Buttons inside the player (Copy, AutoRepeat, Download) disappear at different speeds
- Bugfix: Sometimes the app crashes in the new interface
- Added settings: Comments Spoiler removal, Disable Auto captions, Suggested Actions, Premium Header, Change Downloader Package Name, Button Container (Experimental)
- Fixed incorrect description: 'Auto Repeat Button (In Player)' > 'Auto Play Button (In Player)', 'Dark Overlay on pause' > 'Transparent Overlay on pause'
- Settings that cannot be used unless 'Old Layout' is enabled are now disabled according to the 'Old Layout' setting value
- Toast notification is now displayed when MicroG is not installed (NON-ROOT only)
- Now supports Splash Animation in Vanced Icon version
- Vanced Icon is now applied to ROOT version as well
- Minor changes in settings interface
- Some setting items moved to Vanced Extended setting
- Display the Vanced Extended guidance dialog when the app is first launched
- Removed translucent circles on player controls background
- Updated some drawable resources

※ It is recommended to delete the previously installed version and install a new one.

KNOWN ISSUES (unsolvable problem)
- Ads still showing on some devices
- RYD not working on new interface
- HDR Brightness setting not working on some devices

@OxrxL: He implemented Disable Auto Captions settings and Button Container settings.

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Vanced Extended

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