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US Voter Fraud & Coup-Ops Intel 2020 - 2022 | United States America (US)
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This is the official definition of antisemitism that Congress will vote to codify into law today, and then use it to prosecute Americans for “hate speech."” It’s extensive on purpose.

The entire thing is absurd and unconstitutional, but I just wanted to make clear how dangerous this legislation is. Far more dangerous than any “hate speech” that Congress is seeking to criminalize.

Congress just passed a bill that will give Israel another $26 billion to fund their war.

Now they’re giving us the Antisemitism Awareness Act, which will make it illegal to criticize a war that we’re funding.

When do you think they’ll introduce a bill that protects our border the same way they protect Jews/Israel from criticism?


This is the official definition of antisemitism that Congress will vote to codify into law today, and then use it to prosecute Americans for “hate speech."” It’s extensive on purpose.

The entire thing is absurd and unconstitutional, but I just wanted to make clear how dangerous this legislation is. Far more dangerous than any “hate speech” that Congress is seeking to criminalize.

Congress just passed a bill that will give Israel another $26 billion to fund their war.

Now they’re giving us the Antisemitism Awareness Act, which will make it illegal to criticize a war that we’re funding.

When do you think they’ll introduce a bill that protects our border the same way they protect Jews/Israel from criticism?


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US Voter Fraud & Coup-Ops Intel 2020 - 2022

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United States America Popular Telegram Group (US)