TG Telegram Group & Channel
Telegram Usernames | United States America (US)
Create: Update:

The smart contract that Telegram will use to put up its usernames for auction has just been published. Anyone is welcome to analyze the smart contract for potential security flaws. Whoever is able to find a serious security issue within the next 70 hours can win up to $50,000.

Details to follow.

Telegram Usernames
A few weeks ago, the founder and CEO of Telegram announced the upcoming ability to buy and sell unique and recognizable Telegram usernames. GOOD NEWS! The development phase is almost over, and the auction platform will be…
The smart contract that Telegram will use to put up its usernames for auction has just been published. Anyone is welcome to analyze the smart contract for potential security flaws. Whoever is able to find a serious security issue within the next 70 hours can win up to $50,000.

Details to follow.

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Telegram Usernames

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United States America Popular Telegram Group (US)