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Not a single "virus" has been isolated, purified and shown to be the cause of any disease. "In silico", meaning in a computer simulation, is the only place where "infectious" "viruses" exist. Anyone who looks into virology will see how often this term is used. Cell culture experiments do not prove causation, because the same "cytopathic" results occur whether or not the sample that virologists presume contains a "virus", without any evidence of such claims; is added to the experiment.


All dis-ease can be traced back to forms of toxicity as the cause, the seasonal "flu" is seasonal detox, due to a lack of proper nutrition, leading to "symptoms" or expressions of detox. Whether you get "sick" or not depends on what you put into your body and or allow others to inject into your body. There is never anything "going around" besides the same amount of ignorance towards the amount of toxins each and every one of us, may or may not expose our selves to. Due to the level of knowledge regarding these toxins, in all the products and foods that the majority blindly and thoughtlessly consume.

Since the creation of the Germ Theory and everything that followed the Flexner report. Those who the collective allows to rule, have been inverting the truth, teaching the medical establishment and all those who subscribe to it, lies about healing and how the body operates, calling natural ancient healing practices quackery and using pharma drugs as a quick way to suppress the bodies healing expressions from being overly toxic, from poor lifestyle choices. This caused the reliance on pharmaceuticals for profit and many other health issues to arise, as the cause is still lgnorned.

Flexner report

What we know of as "viruses" are nothing more than the remnants of the removal of cellular debris from a cell that has died, do to the poisoning of the cell during the culture experiment; where virologists starve the cells, add animal tissue and ingredients known to cause damage to cells.

Viruses do not cause disease in the same way flies do not cause garbage, they are the result of there being garbage, just as viruses, are the result of dieing toxic or poisoned cells, not the cause; correlation is not the same as causation.

Average deaths from years prior to Covid remained relatively the same up until 2020 after millions were said to have died from this new "deadly disease". This due to mass missdiagnosis from the fraudulent "tests", along with the renaming of millions of deaths no matter the cause, as long as a fake Covid positive was acquired.

Im sure you remember that people were dieing from preexisting illness and labeled as Covid. Or the many other stories of people being told that they could see the bodies of thier loved ones sooner, if they allow Covid to go on the death certificate, because they died "after testing positive".
Now when people die directly from the injection (had they not taken it, they would still be alive), its claimed unrelated and blamed on underlying illness.

The "Tests" which are not tests, only amplifiy genetic material, not "infectious" "viruses".. Which is why the creator of the PCR process said it should not be used to detect infectious disease, back when they ran this same scam with PCR during the HIV/AIDs lie; in which the same person exposed that there was zero evidence that so called "HIV" caused "aids"..

Dr. Kary Mullis, "with PCR if you do it right you can find almost anything in anybody".. here

Dr. Kary Mullis on aids here

Karry Mullis on the fraud Dr. Fauci Here

As we are seeing now, hospitals are filling within "vaccinated" people, many of which are labed "unvaccinated" because they only have 1 or 2 shots and are in hospital over 14 days after their last shot, which magicly then makes the toxins they were just injected with, completely unrelated to their current state..


Not a single "virus" has been isolated, purified and shown to be the cause of any disease. "In silico", meaning in a computer simulation, is the only place where "infectious" "viruses" exist. Anyone who looks into virology will see how often this term is used. Cell culture experiments do not prove causation, because the same "cytopathic" results occur whether or not the sample that virologists presume contains a "virus", without any evidence of such claims; is added to the experiment.


All dis-ease can be traced back to forms of toxicity as the cause, the seasonal "flu" is seasonal detox, due to a lack of proper nutrition, leading to "symptoms" or expressions of detox. Whether you get "sick" or not depends on what you put into your body and or allow others to inject into your body. There is never anything "going around" besides the same amount of ignorance towards the amount of toxins each and every one of us, may or may not expose our selves to. Due to the level of knowledge regarding these toxins, in all the products and foods that the majority blindly and thoughtlessly consume.

Since the creation of the Germ Theory and everything that followed the Flexner report. Those who the collective allows to rule, have been inverting the truth, teaching the medical establishment and all those who subscribe to it, lies about healing and how the body operates, calling natural ancient healing practices quackery and using pharma drugs as a quick way to suppress the bodies healing expressions from being overly toxic, from poor lifestyle choices. This caused the reliance on pharmaceuticals for profit and many other health issues to arise, as the cause is still lgnorned.

Flexner report

What we know of as "viruses" are nothing more than the remnants of the removal of cellular debris from a cell that has died, do to the poisoning of the cell during the culture experiment; where virologists starve the cells, add animal tissue and ingredients known to cause damage to cells.

Viruses do not cause disease in the same way flies do not cause garbage, they are the result of there being garbage, just as viruses, are the result of dieing toxic or poisoned cells, not the cause; correlation is not the same as causation.

Average deaths from years prior to Covid remained relatively the same up until 2020 after millions were said to have died from this new "deadly disease". This due to mass missdiagnosis from the fraudulent "tests", along with the renaming of millions of deaths no matter the cause, as long as a fake Covid positive was acquired.

Im sure you remember that people were dieing from preexisting illness and labeled as Covid. Or the many other stories of people being told that they could see the bodies of thier loved ones sooner, if they allow Covid to go on the death certificate, because they died "after testing positive".
Now when people die directly from the injection (had they not taken it, they would still be alive), its claimed unrelated and blamed on underlying illness.

The "Tests" which are not tests, only amplifiy genetic material, not "infectious" "viruses".. Which is why the creator of the PCR process said it should not be used to detect infectious disease, back when they ran this same scam with PCR during the HIV/AIDs lie; in which the same person exposed that there was zero evidence that so called "HIV" caused "aids"..

Dr. Kary Mullis, "with PCR if you do it right you can find almost anything in anybody".. here

Dr. Kary Mullis on aids here

Karry Mullis on the fraud Dr. Fauci Here

As we are seeing now, hospitals are filling within "vaccinated" people, many of which are labed "unvaccinated" because they only have 1 or 2 shots and are in hospital over 14 days after their last shot, which magicly then makes the toxins they were just injected with, completely unrelated to their current state..


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Truth Is The Contagion

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