TG Telegram Group & Channel
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Create: Update: beta

Improvements and bugfixes. Preparing for a production update.


- Improved Unread Messages separator appearance logic
- Specific error code & message will be displayed in the failed message's menu
- Updated compileSdkVersion to 19
- Updated buildToolsVersion to 29.0.2
- Updated TDLib
- Unread counter color checks for unmuted chats inside an archive
- "Mark as Unread" is displayed in the chats list, if some chat is marked as unread inside an archive
- Optimized the way archive preview gets updated based for each type of event
- Counter in archive shows number of unread chats
- Separate strings for messages search results header inside filtered archive
- Sorted unsorted colors in theme editor


- Some of the chats on the bottom of the list may be only partially visible, when archive is hidden
- Software keyboard does not hide when opening emoji/stickers keyboard after performing some actions
- Link Preview does not display if link is just a domain name with slash on the end:
- Long admin signs may overlap the user name in bubble mode
- Long admin signs may go outside of bubble bounds
- Long admin sign + name may cause bubble going outside of screen
- Scroll to bottom button overlaps the search controls bar in channels
- [?] Chat content is slightly (about 1px) visible below the follow/discuss bottom bar on some OEMs
- Games work only after re-entering the chat after sending them to a chat (#5: Message not found)
- Search controls bar is not visible when follow/discuss bottom bar is present
- After using "hide above the list", if the list was not in the beginning, animation will end not in the beginning of the list
- New chat button is not accessible after hiding an archive, if there are too few items in the list
- After using chats filter, new chat button no longer reacts to chats list scroll (does not show/hide)
- New chat button is not accessible after using chat filter, if it was hidden and there are too few items in the chats list
- "Mark as Unread" badge is not displaying
- Adding account immediately after logging out may result in #7: setAuthPhoneNumber unexpected
- Bold / uncolored color names for avatar*_big
- Crash when trying to submit or retract poll vote beta

Improvements and bugfixes. Preparing for a production update.


- Improved Unread Messages separator appearance logic
- Specific error code & message will be displayed in the failed message's menu
- Updated compileSdkVersion to 19
- Updated buildToolsVersion to 29.0.2
- Updated TDLib
- Unread counter color checks for unmuted chats inside an archive
- "Mark as Unread" is displayed in the chats list, if some chat is marked as unread inside an archive
- Optimized the way archive preview gets updated based for each type of event
- Counter in archive shows number of unread chats
- Separate strings for messages search results header inside filtered archive
- Sorted unsorted colors in theme editor


- Some of the chats on the bottom of the list may be only partially visible, when archive is hidden
- Software keyboard does not hide when opening emoji/stickers keyboard after performing some actions
- Link Preview does not display if link is just a domain name with slash on the end:
- Long admin signs may overlap the user name in bubble mode
- Long admin signs may go outside of bubble bounds
- Long admin sign + name may cause bubble going outside of screen
- Scroll to bottom button overlaps the search controls bar in channels
- [?] Chat content is slightly (about 1px) visible below the follow/discuss bottom bar on some OEMs
- Games work only after re-entering the chat after sending them to a chat (#5: Message not found)
- Search controls bar is not visible when follow/discuss bottom bar is present
- After using "hide above the list", if the list was not in the beginning, animation will end not in the beginning of the list
- New chat button is not accessible after hiding an archive, if there are too few items in the list
- After using chats filter, new chat button no longer reacts to chats list scroll (does not show/hide)
- New chat button is not accessible after using chat filter, if it was hidden and there are too few items in the chats list
- "Mark as Unread" badge is not displaying
- Adding account immediately after logging out may result in #7: setAuthPhoneNumber unexpected
- Bold / uncolored color names for avatar*_big
- Crash when trying to submit or retract poll vote

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