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American Supreme Court effectively ends right to mass protest via refusing to hear/ end a 5th circuit ruling. The ruling leaves protest organizers liable to criminal charges if their participants commit a crime. As the last panel points out. It also leaves organizers liable to counter protests if counter protestors commit crimes.

Likewise it also creates the possibility for agent provocateurs and infiltration. But remember, this applies to everyone. I.e. a pro-life or white supremacist rally will also be vulnerable to charges if someone in their protest commits a crime.

As of now, this ruling only applies to areas of jurisdiction under the 5th circuit Court, which is mostly the South

Post-Syndiegram 🇵🇸
American Supreme Court effectively ends right to mass protest via refusing to hear/ end a 5th circuit ruling. The ruling leaves protest organizers liable to criminal charges if their participants commit a crime. As the last panel points out. It also leaves organizers liable to counter protests if counter protestors commit crimes.

Likewise it also creates the possibility for agent provocateurs and infiltration. But remember, this applies to everyone. I.e. a pro-life or white supremacist rally will also be vulnerable to charges if someone in their protest commits a crime.

As of now, this ruling only applies to areas of jurisdiction under the 5th circuit Court, which is mostly the South

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Post-Syndiegram 🇵🇸

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