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Office music manager
Suppose you have a music subwoofer in a workplace/home. Each of colleagues/friends can choose the music he/she likes, and the app will queue a song to be played next. Other can vote if a song is good or bad, based on this info the app will filter a playlist to be played in the next time.
Each of the friends can add its song to the app without the mess with reconnecting to a musical device.

Office music manager
Suppose you have a music subwoofer in a workplace/home. Each of colleagues/friends can choose the music he/she likes, and the app will queue a song to be played next. Other can vote if a song is good or bad, based on this info the app will filter a playlist to be played in the next time.
Each of the friends can add its song to the app without the mess with reconnecting to a musical device.

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