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ᛉᛟ Viðr ᛟᛉ | United States America (US)
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I see posts regarding the latest victim of multiculturalism talking about how we need to organize mass protests, which supposedly will wake people up and force “our” treacherous governments to change their policies etc. I’d like to believe that this idea of a popular uprising is possible, but reality is staring us right in the face.

Most people are never going to “wake up”. They will continue to be lead, like lambs to the slaughter, blindly trusting that “their” governments will find a solution to the consequences of the multikulti “utopia”; the murders of their sons and the rapes and murders of their daughters. They will keep playing Russian roulette with their families lives and keep voting for politicians who are (partly) responsible for the current situation. Why? Muh comfort.
Because “Who cares as long as it doesn’t affect me personally.” Right?
The rape and murder of innocent European children is a price worth paying if it means they can keep watching young, mostly non-European, men be physically active on tv, and as long as they can spill their seed into a tissue while watching young European women being subjected to violent forms of filmed prostitution on their computers.
They will continue to live among people of other races, who, as soon as they outnumber us, will start to ethnically cleanse us, en masse, from our own homelands. They don’t care!

You could argue that they are indoctrinated by the (((propaganda))) and that, because you did, they too will eventually see the truth behind the lies. If only things get bad enough, right? What will it take then? Are the bombings, the shootings, the robberies, the rapes, the murders, the riots and the no go zones not enough? We have endured decades of anti-European violence and the truth has been out there for everyone to find all along. And yet, very few have. What else is it going to take?

Homo urbanus are a lost cause. They will go down with the ship and there is nothing any of us can do to save them. Because they do not want to be saved. In fact, most of them don’t even think that there is anything to be saved from. So, all we can do now is to save ourselves.

Move away from the urban areas, band together with likeminded people and start families.
The existence of our race depends upon it.

Nobody is coming to save you.

I see posts regarding the latest victim of multiculturalism talking about how we need to organize mass protests, which supposedly will wake people up and force “our” treacherous governments to change their policies etc. I’d like to believe that this idea of a popular uprising is possible, but reality is staring us right in the face.

Most people are never going to “wake up”. They will continue to be lead, like lambs to the slaughter, blindly trusting that “their” governments will find a solution to the consequences of the multikulti “utopia”; the murders of their sons and the rapes and murders of their daughters. They will keep playing Russian roulette with their families lives and keep voting for politicians who are (partly) responsible for the current situation. Why? Muh comfort.
Because “Who cares as long as it doesn’t affect me personally.” Right?
The rape and murder of innocent European children is a price worth paying if it means they can keep watching young, mostly non-European, men be physically active on tv, and as long as they can spill their seed into a tissue while watching young European women being subjected to violent forms of filmed prostitution on their computers.
They will continue to live among people of other races, who, as soon as they outnumber us, will start to ethnically cleanse us, en masse, from our own homelands. They don’t care!

You could argue that they are indoctrinated by the (((propaganda))) and that, because you did, they too will eventually see the truth behind the lies. If only things get bad enough, right? What will it take then? Are the bombings, the shootings, the robberies, the rapes, the murders, the riots and the no go zones not enough? We have endured decades of anti-European violence and the truth has been out there for everyone to find all along. And yet, very few have. What else is it going to take?

Homo urbanus are a lost cause. They will go down with the ship and there is nothing any of us can do to save them. Because they do not want to be saved. In fact, most of them don’t even think that there is anything to be saved from. So, all we can do now is to save ourselves.

Move away from the urban areas, band together with likeminded people and start families.
The existence of our race depends upon it.

Nobody is coming to save you.

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ᛉᛟ Viðr ᛟᛉ

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