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SITPAY global | United States America (US)
Create: Update:

We are informing that the reason for the plunge from 0.0034 usdt to 0.0015 usdt on November 16.

When listing on Lbank, SitPay Foundation deposited the Sitpay in the wallet of 0x22f83e4b9cb95cb88e8f4f15ea598c74c2788.

Trading Pair: SIT/USDT

Deposit Enable: 15:00 on November 19, 2021 (UTC+8)

Trading Open: 15:00 on November 12, 2021 (UTC+8)

Withdrawal Enable: 15:00 on November 19, 2021 (UTC+8)

As the above notice, when Hotbit Sitpay price rose significantly in a situation when withdrawal was impossible, We confirmed the record of withdrawing 32 million Sitpay from Lbank to Hotbit that we deposited
The L-Bank Exchange directly moved the Sitpay to hotbit and plunged the price, and we will disclose this case to all media and hold it accountable.

(lbank wallet) 0x22f83e4b9cb95cb99b88e8f4f15ea598c74c2788




We share the route from L-bank to Hotbit Exchange. Thank you.

SITPAY global
We are informing that the reason for the plunge from 0.0034 usdt to 0.0015 usdt on November 16.

When listing on Lbank, SitPay Foundation deposited the Sitpay in the wallet of 0x22f83e4b9cb95cb88e8f4f15ea598c74c2788.

Trading Pair: SIT/USDT

Deposit Enable: 15:00 on November 19, 2021 (UTC+8)

Trading Open: 15:00 on November 12, 2021 (UTC+8)

Withdrawal Enable: 15:00 on November 19, 2021 (UTC+8)

As the above notice, when Hotbit Sitpay price rose significantly in a situation when withdrawal was impossible, We confirmed the record of withdrawing 32 million Sitpay from Lbank to Hotbit that we deposited
The L-Bank Exchange directly moved the Sitpay to hotbit and plunged the price, and we will disclose this case to all media and hold it accountable.

(lbank wallet) 0x22f83e4b9cb95cb99b88e8f4f15ea598c74c2788




We share the route from L-bank to Hotbit Exchange. Thank you.

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SITPAY global

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