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study of ants is called myrmecology and it has
revealed extraordinary facts about these creatures that are as old as dinosaurs.

They evolved from the Cretaceous period 130 million years ago and there are currently 11 800 species in the world covering all
the continents apart from Antarctica. They are a highly
evolved and successful species and are an example of a
superorganism. They behave within their nests (colonies)
as a single organised body. Giant colonies of Argentine
ants exist all over the world. One of the largest is along
the Mediterranean coast which is 600 km long and contains 1 billion ants. This community behaves like a single colony with tolerance of and co-operation with each other.

study of ants is called myrmecology and it has
revealed extraordinary facts about these creatures that are as old as dinosaurs.

They evolved from the Cretaceous period 130 million years ago and there are currently 11 800 species in the world covering all
the continents apart from Antarctica. They are a highly
evolved and successful species and are an example of a
superorganism. They behave within their nests (colonies)
as a single organised body. Giant colonies of Argentine
ants exist all over the world. One of the largest is along
the Mediterranean coast which is 600 km long and contains 1 billion ants. This community behaves like a single colony with tolerance of and co-operation with each other.

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Science and Technology

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