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freeze: @😎Реклама😎
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# A customizable list of commands that will be executed when a player logs out while frozen
logged-out-while-frozen-commands: []

# GUI Options.
# Title of the main menu in /vulcan gui. Doesn't support color codes. /vulcan reload won't reload this value
# since it's only initialized onEnable.
title: 'Vulcan AntiCheat'

# Whether or not ghost block fix should be enabled. Players will be set back and the blocks will be updated.
# Whether or not ghost block fix should be enabled at all.
enabled: true
# Whether or not Vulcan should try to account for ghost water blocks
ghost-water-fix: true
# Below this TPS this option won't do anything. Set to -1 to disable
minimum-tps: 18.5
# Buffer settings
max: 3
decay: .1
# Whether or not setbacks for ghost blocks should be enabled.
setback: true
# Whether or not block change packets should be sent around the bottom of the player reupdating the blocks below them
update-blocks: false
# How many ticks should they be in the air before being flagged as on a ghost block (default 3)
ticks: 3
# Whether or not the player will get sent a message when ghost blocks around them are updated
message-enabled: false
# The message that will get sent to players when they're on a ghost block (if the above is enabled)
message: '&cYou were walking on a ghost block. It has been updated!'
# Whether or not staff should be sent a message when someone is setback for being on a ghost block
staff-message-enabled: true
# The message that will be sent to staff when a player's position is updated for being on a ghost block.
staff-message: '%prefix% &c%player%''s &7position was updated for being on a ghost block! (%world%, %x%, %y%, %z%) &7[%ticks%]'
# Whether or not the ghost block message should be printed to console
print-to-console: true
# The message that is printed to console if the above is true.
console-message: '%player% position was updated for being on a ghost block! (%world%, %x%, %y%, %z%) &7[%ticks%]'

# Message options - these are all pretty self explanatory.
no-permission: '&cYou don''t have permission to execute this command!'
cant-execute-from-console: '&cYou can''t execute this command from console!'
ban-command-syntax: '%prefix% &7Proper Syntax: &c/vulcan ban (player)&7.'
kb-command-syntax: '%prefix% &7Proper Syntax: &c/vulcan knockback (player) &8| &c/vulcan kb (player)&7.'
profile-command-syntax: '%prefix% &7Proper Syntax: &c/vulcan profile (player)&7.'
jday-command-syntax: '%prefix% &7Proper Syntax: &c/jday add (player) &8| &c/jday execute &8| &c/jday list &8| &c/jday remove (player)&7.'
reload-success: '%prefix% &aSuccessfully reloaded Vulcan!'
invalid-target: '%prefix% &cThe specified player could not be found!'
kb-test-success: '%prefix% &aSuccessfully performed knockback test on %player%!'
jday-no-pending-bans: '%prefix% &cThere are no pending bans!'
jday-added-to-list: '%prefix% &c%player% &7was successfully added to the list!'
reset-command: '%prefix% &7Violations for all online players were reset!'
no-next-page: '%prefix% &cThere is no next page!'
no-previous-page: '%prefix% &cThere is no previous page!'
enabled-all-checks: '%prefix% &aEnabled all checks!'
disabled-all-checks: '%prefix% &cDisabled all checks!'
enabled-all-punishments: '%prefix% &aEnabled all punishments!'
disabled-all-punishments: '%prefix% &cDisabled all punishments!'
disabled-check: '%prefix% &cDisabled check %check%!'
enabled-check: '%prefix% &aEnabled check %check%!'
disabled-punishment: '%prefix% &cDisabled punishment for %check%!'
enabled-punishment: '%prefix% &aEnabled punishment for %check%!'
disabled-hotbar-shuffle: '%prefix% &cHotbar shuffle for %check% disabled!'
enabled-hotbar-shuffle: '%prefix% &aHotbar shuffle for %check% enabled!'
disabled-random-rotation: '%prefix% &cRandom rotation for %check% disabled!'
enabled-random-rotation: '%prefix% &aRandom rotation for %check%

# A customizable list of commands that will be executed when a player logs out while frozen
logged-out-while-frozen-commands: []

# GUI Options.
# Title of the main menu in /vulcan gui. Doesn't support color codes. /vulcan reload won't reload this value
# since it's only initialized onEnable.
title: 'Vulcan AntiCheat'

# Whether or not ghost block fix should be enabled. Players will be set back and the blocks will be updated.
# Whether or not ghost block fix should be enabled at all.
enabled: true
# Whether or not Vulcan should try to account for ghost water blocks
ghost-water-fix: true
# Below this TPS this option won't do anything. Set to -1 to disable
minimum-tps: 18.5
# Buffer settings
max: 3
decay: .1
# Whether or not setbacks for ghost blocks should be enabled.
setback: true
# Whether or not block change packets should be sent around the bottom of the player reupdating the blocks below them
update-blocks: false
# How many ticks should they be in the air before being flagged as on a ghost block (default 3)
ticks: 3
# Whether or not the player will get sent a message when ghost blocks around them are updated
message-enabled: false
# The message that will get sent to players when they're on a ghost block (if the above is enabled)
message: '&cYou were walking on a ghost block. It has been updated!'
# Whether or not staff should be sent a message when someone is setback for being on a ghost block
staff-message-enabled: true
# The message that will be sent to staff when a player's position is updated for being on a ghost block.
staff-message: '%prefix% &c%player%''s &7position was updated for being on a ghost block! (%world%, %x%, %y%, %z%) &7[%ticks%]'
# Whether or not the ghost block message should be printed to console
print-to-console: true
# The message that is printed to console if the above is true.
console-message: '%player% position was updated for being on a ghost block! (%world%, %x%, %y%, %z%) &7[%ticks%]'

# Message options - these are all pretty self explanatory.
no-permission: '&cYou don''t have permission to execute this command!'
cant-execute-from-console: '&cYou can''t execute this command from console!'
ban-command-syntax: '%prefix% &7Proper Syntax: &c/vulcan ban (player)&7.'
kb-command-syntax: '%prefix% &7Proper Syntax: &c/vulcan knockback (player) &8| &c/vulcan kb (player)&7.'
profile-command-syntax: '%prefix% &7Proper Syntax: &c/vulcan profile (player)&7.'
jday-command-syntax: '%prefix% &7Proper Syntax: &c/jday add (player) &8| &c/jday execute &8| &c/jday list &8| &c/jday remove (player)&7.'
reload-success: '%prefix% &aSuccessfully reloaded Vulcan!'
invalid-target: '%prefix% &cThe specified player could not be found!'
kb-test-success: '%prefix% &aSuccessfully performed knockback test on %player%!'
jday-no-pending-bans: '%prefix% &cThere are no pending bans!'
jday-added-to-list: '%prefix% &c%player% &7was successfully added to the list!'
reset-command: '%prefix% &7Violations for all online players were reset!'
no-next-page: '%prefix% &cThere is no next page!'
no-previous-page: '%prefix% &cThere is no previous page!'
enabled-all-checks: '%prefix% &aEnabled all checks!'
disabled-all-checks: '%prefix% &cDisabled all checks!'
enabled-all-punishments: '%prefix% &aEnabled all punishments!'
disabled-all-punishments: '%prefix% &cDisabled all punishments!'
disabled-check: '%prefix% &cDisabled check %check%!'
enabled-check: '%prefix% &aEnabled check %check%!'
disabled-punishment: '%prefix% &cDisabled punishment for %check%!'
enabled-punishment: '%prefix% &aEnabled punishment for %check%!'
disabled-hotbar-shuffle: '%prefix% &cHotbar shuffle for %check% disabled!'
enabled-hotbar-shuffle: '%prefix% &aHotbar shuffle for %check% enabled!'
disabled-random-rotation: '%prefix% &cRandom rotation for %check% disabled!'
enabled-random-rotation: '%prefix% &aRandom rotation for %check%

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Warning: Undefined array key 3 in /var/www/hottg/function.php on line 115

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