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Even if you don't see any results now,just keep putting in the effort and continue striving for His sake.
Because sometimes, the fruits of your labor can only be seen in the future or in the next generation perhaps. But know this for sure: that every single effort that you do, Allah sees it all and He misses nothing, so He will duly reward you more than you imagine. If not here, then for sure in the next world, In shaa Allah. And we all know that the reward of the Hereafter is much grander and more everlasting,right? ;)

Credit : Aida azlin (blogger/youtuber)


Even if you don't see any results now,just keep putting in the effort and continue striving for His sake.
Because sometimes, the fruits of your labor can only be seen in the future or in the next generation perhaps. But know this for sure: that every single effort that you do, Allah sees it all and He misses nothing, so He will duly reward you more than you imagine. If not here, then for sure in the next world, In shaa Allah. And we all know that the reward of the Hereafter is much grander and more everlasting,right? ;)

Credit : Aida azlin (blogger/youtuber)


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