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Pavel Shchepochkin, also known as Echo is a music selector based in Berlin, producing experimental mixes in a storytelling format.

This particular episode is a collection of various moments throughout a year, in which period this mix was produced and polished. The mix is shrouded in symbolism, from the combination of the tracks' layers to their titles and sequencing. Lots of ‘cry-in-pillow’ songs with deep meaning are morphing together with classical orchestra pieces and deconstructed elements, creating the complete picture if listened carefully according to the journey.

Pavel Shchepochkin, also known as Echo is a music selector based in Berlin, producing experimental mixes in a storytelling format.

This particular episode is a collection of various moments throughout a year, in which period this mix was produced and polished. The mix is shrouded in symbolism, from the combination of the tracks' layers to their titles and sequencing. Lots of ‘cry-in-pillow’ songs with deep meaning are morphing together with classical orchestra pieces and deconstructed elements, creating the complete picture if listened carefully according to the journey.

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