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R_bugbounty | United States America (US)
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How important is recon actually?

I've never done recon apart from basic subdomain enum.

I have been reading and watching guides all day on recon. And came across a video of a guy saying recon is worthless because if you find a bug on a subdomain thats way off the radar. The attack surface is pointless because there's no exploitablilty.

Please help me get better at bug bounty.

I have today learned subfinder, httpx, ffuf can be tricky with params, ASN enum and aquatone. Am I missing stuff.

How important is recon actually?

I've never done recon apart from basic subdomain enum.

I have been reading and watching guides all day on recon. And came across a video of a guy saying recon is worthless because if you find a bug on a subdomain thats way off the radar. The attack surface is pointless because there's no exploitablilty.

Please help me get better at bug bounty.

I have today learned subfinder, httpx, ffuf can be tricky with params, ASN enum and aquatone. Am I missing stuff.

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