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Social engineering has to be a part of BB

So in reality someone would screw you over through any hole they find. And humans are the most vulnerable place. IT departments think they do enough testing among employees. But they might not be doing enough since one has to have a specific mindset. Which could lead to more innovative approaches that can disclose a problem.
I personally see BB as a preventative measure against potential attacks. And in such case they should cover all possible vectors of an attack. Including social engineering.

Just a discussion.

Social engineering has to be a part of BB

So in reality someone would screw you over through any hole they find. And humans are the most vulnerable place. IT departments think they do enough testing among employees. But they might not be doing enough since one has to have a specific mindset. Which could lead to more innovative approaches that can disclose a problem.
I personally see BB as a preventative measure against potential attacks. And in such case they should cover all possible vectors of an attack. Including social engineering.

Just a discussion.

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