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XSS - Demonstrating Additional Impact

I’ve identified a XSS vuln in an HTML tag attribute. I can easily demonstrate this with alert() or console.log() but I’m wanting to further demonstrate impact, like ATO or something. The JSESSIONID cookie is HttpOnly so I can’t access it via JavaScript. I can get the CSRF token so I was hoping to just use XMLHttpRequest to perform actions as the logged in user. The issue I’m running into is that the injectable parameter has a 100 character limit (enforced on server) and CSP will not allow me to load an external JS file. Any ideas here?

XSS - Demonstrating Additional Impact

I’ve identified a XSS vuln in an HTML tag attribute. I can easily demonstrate this with alert() or console.log() but I’m wanting to further demonstrate impact, like ATO or something. The JSESSIONID cookie is HttpOnly so I can’t access it via JavaScript. I can get the CSRF token so I was hoping to just use XMLHttpRequest to perform actions as the logged in user. The issue I’m running into is that the injectable parameter has a 100 character limit (enforced on server) and CSP will not allow me to load an external JS file. Any ideas here?

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