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ConfigClass - simple dataclass inspired configuration

**What My Project Does**

I'm making a simple configclass for handling configuration in smaller projects and scripts. Goal is to be as simple to start with as creating a dataclass.

The module itself works off dataclass and when you use it you just define a dataclass as normal, but decorate it with @configclass() instead.


from configclass import configclass

class Settings:
foo: bool = False
url: str = ""
footoo: bool = True
my_model: str = ""

setting = Settings.load()

print(, setting.footoo, setting.my_model)

From that you got

JSON config file support (config.json)
YAML config file support (config.yaml)
Command line support (argparse)
Env variables support (CONFIG_SETTINGNAME)

It also support nested structures via nested dataclass classes.


It's meant as a quick and lightweight alternative to larger and more comprehensive config systems, for the small programs and scripts where you'd just use a dataclass, and maybe load the values from a config file.

**Target Audience**

Since it's pretty new and raw I wouldn't recommend it for heavy production settings or complex projects. That said, it should work fine for most cases.

While I've worked with python for quite some time, this is


ConfigClass - simple dataclass inspired configuration

**What My Project Does**

I'm making a simple configclass for handling configuration in smaller projects and scripts. Goal is to be as simple to start with as creating a dataclass.

The module itself works off dataclass and when you use it you just define a dataclass as normal, but decorate it with @configclass() instead.


from configclass import configclass

class Settings:
foo: bool = False
url: str = ""
footoo: bool = True
my_model: str = ""

setting = Settings.load()

print(, setting.footoo, setting.my_model)

From that you got

JSON config file support (config.json)
YAML config file support (config.yaml)
Command line support (argparse)
Env variables support (CONFIG_SETTINGNAME)

It also support nested structures via nested dataclass classes.


It's meant as a quick and lightweight alternative to larger and more comprehensive config systems, for the small programs and scripts where you'd just use a dataclass, and maybe load the values from a config file.

**Target Audience**

Since it's pretty new and raw I wouldn't recommend it for heavy production settings or complex projects. That said, it should work fine for most cases.

While I've worked with python for quite some time, this is


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