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Django PyCryptodome AES decryption - ValueError: Padding is incorrect

I am trying to encrypt incoming files and than decrypt them later. I was following the [documentation]( for how to use AES with CBC mode for decryption and encryption.

My view for uploading and encrypting file:"/upload_files")
def upload_files(request, file: UploadedFile = File(...)):
save_file = operations.aes_encryption(,file=request.FILES.get('file'))

def aes_encryption(self,user_id,file):
user = UserQueries.get_user(id=user_id)
key: bytes = bytes(user.key, "utf-8")
path: str = user.path

save_file = self._encrypt_file(file,key,path,user)

return save_file

def _encrypt_file(self,file,key,path,user):
file_content =

cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC)


Django PyCryptodome AES decryption - ValueError: Padding is incorrect

I am trying to encrypt incoming files and than decrypt them later. I was following the [documentation]( for how to use AES with CBC mode for decryption and encryption.

My view for uploading and encrypting file:"/upload_files")
def upload_files(request, file: UploadedFile = File(...)):
save_file = operations.aes_encryption(,file=request.FILES.get('file'))

def aes_encryption(self,user_id,file):
user = UserQueries.get_user(id=user_id)
key: bytes = bytes(user.key, "utf-8")
path: str = user.path

save_file = self._encrypt_file(file,key,path,user)

return save_file

def _encrypt_file(self,file,key,path,user):
file_content =

cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC)


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