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bridge — automatic infrastructure for Django

# The Problem
We built bridge to solve the most frustrating part of any new project — infrastructure. Whenever you spin up a new Django project, you usually have to manually configure Postgres, background workers, a task queue, and more. The problem is amplified when you go to deploy your application — hosting providers don’t understand anything about what you’ve configured already, so you have to run through an even more complicated process to set up the same infrastructure in a deployed environment.

# What My Project Does
bridge is a pip-installable package that spins up all of the infrastructure you need, and automatically connects it to your Django project. By adding a single line to your Django project's file, bridge configures everything for you — this means you don’t need to mess with DATABASES, BROKER_URL, or other environment variables to connect to these services.

bridge also gives you the access you need to manage these services, including a database and Redis shell, as well as a Flower instance for monitoring background tasks.

When you’re ready to deploy, bridge can handle that as well. By running bridge init render, bridge will write all of the configuration necessary to deploy your application on Render, including


bridge — automatic infrastructure for Django

# The Problem
We built bridge to solve the most frustrating part of any new project — infrastructure. Whenever you spin up a new Django project, you usually have to manually configure Postgres, background workers, a task queue, and more. The problem is amplified when you go to deploy your application — hosting providers don’t understand anything about what you’ve configured already, so you have to run through an even more complicated process to set up the same infrastructure in a deployed environment.

# What My Project Does
bridge is a pip-installable package that spins up all of the infrastructure you need, and automatically connects it to your Django project. By adding a single line to your Django project's file, bridge configures everything for you — this means you don’t need to mess with DATABASES, BROKER_URL, or other environment variables to connect to these services.

bridge also gives you the access you need to manage these services, including a database and Redis shell, as well as a Flower instance for monitoring background tasks.

When you’re ready to deploy, bridge can handle that as well. By running bridge init render, bridge will write all of the configuration necessary to deploy your application on Render, including


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