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Big O Cheat Sheet: the time complexities of operations Python's data structures

I made a cheat sheet of all common operations on Python's many data structures. This include both the built-in data structures and all common standard library data structures.

The time complexities of different data structures in Python

If you're unfamiliar with time complexity and Big O notation, be sure to read the first section and the last two sections. I also recommend Ned Batchelder's talk/article that explains this topic more deeply.


Big O Cheat Sheet: the time complexities of operations Python's data structures

I made a cheat sheet of all common operations on Python's many data structures. This include both the built-in data structures and all common standard library data structures.

The time complexities of different data structures in Python

If you're unfamiliar with time complexity and Big O notation, be sure to read the first section and the last two sections. I also recommend Ned Batchelder's talk/article that explains this topic more deeply.


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