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Poetic World 98 😘 | United States America (US)
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A mother's love, a tireless flame,
Through sleepless nights, she carries the weight.
With weary eyes and a heart that's true,
She works on, for her family's sake.

From dawn till dusk, she never rests,
Her tiredness etched upon her face.
But in her weariness, a strength resides,
A resilience that cannot be erased.

She rises early, before the sun,
To tend to tasks, one by one.
With gentle hands and a loving touch,
She tends to her duties, never undone.

Her days are filled with endless chores,
Yet she never complains, never asks for more.
For in her heart, a love so deep,
She finds the energy to continue to soar.

Through sleepless nights and endless days,
She perseveres, in her own quiet way.
Her sacrifice, a testament of love,
A mother's work, like no other, they say.

So let us honor the tired mother's plight,
Her strength, her love, forever ignite.
For in her weariness, she finds her worth,
A mother's love, the greatest on Earth.

A mother's love, a tireless flame,
Through sleepless nights, she carries the weight.
With weary eyes and a heart that's true,
She works on, for her family's sake.

From dawn till dusk, she never rests,
Her tiredness etched upon her face.
But in her weariness, a strength resides,
A resilience that cannot be erased.

She rises early, before the sun,
To tend to tasks, one by one.
With gentle hands and a loving touch,
She tends to her duties, never undone.

Her days are filled with endless chores,
Yet she never complains, never asks for more.
For in her heart, a love so deep,
She finds the energy to continue to soar.

Through sleepless nights and endless days,
She perseveres, in her own quiet way.
Her sacrifice, a testament of love,
A mother's work, like no other, they say.

So let us honor the tired mother's plight,
Her strength, her love, forever ignite.
For in her weariness, she finds her worth,
A mother's love, the greatest on Earth.

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Poetic World 98 😘

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United States America Popular Telegram Group (US)