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PixelDust Project || News | United States America (US)
Create: Update:

PixelDust CAF SaltedCaramel (Official)

Blueline/Crosshatch build (Security patch level: 2022-01-05)

* Kernel updated to Linux 4.9.284 / Merge tag 'android-s-v2-beta-1_r0.1'
* ROM sources updated to January SPL: Merge tag 'android-12.0.0_r26' / Merge tag 'LA.QSSI.12.0.r1-05400-qssi.0'

Major changes:
* GPS issues fixed
* PixelPropsUtils: Use Pixel 2 props to GMS (to pass safety net).
* Rework the VoLTE/VoWiFi Statusbar icons
* Allow to choose lockscreen or Ambient on wake gestures
* Customisation: Introduce navbar styles
* Allow hiding gesture navbar handle and keyboard space
* Make Quick Unlock compatible with long PIN/Password
* Solved a problem where the list of color modes was filled with empty entries

Not working:
* Hide VoLTE/VoWiFi symbol has no effect
* Gboard doesn't adapt monet theme


Boot image:



Boot image:

I am also proud to announce that we now have a website meaning faster downloads for everyone!
The website is not perfect yet be we're working on it.
We may also be having some blog posts from some developers that you can all comment on and speak with through.
Hope you all enjoy!

PixelDust CAF SaltedCaramel (Official)

Blueline/Crosshatch build (Security patch level: 2022-01-05)

* Kernel updated to Linux 4.9.284 / Merge tag 'android-s-v2-beta-1_r0.1'
* ROM sources updated to January SPL: Merge tag 'android-12.0.0_r26' / Merge tag 'LA.QSSI.12.0.r1-05400-qssi.0'

Major changes:
* GPS issues fixed
* PixelPropsUtils: Use Pixel 2 props to GMS (to pass safety net).
* Rework the VoLTE/VoWiFi Statusbar icons
* Allow to choose lockscreen or Ambient on wake gestures
* Customisation: Introduce navbar styles
* Allow hiding gesture navbar handle and keyboard space
* Make Quick Unlock compatible with long PIN/Password
* Solved a problem where the list of color modes was filled with empty entries

Not working:
* Hide VoLTE/VoWiFi symbol has no effect
* Gboard doesn't adapt monet theme


Boot image:



Boot image:

I am also proud to announce that we now have a website meaning faster downloads for everyone!
The website is not perfect yet be we're working on it.
We may also be having some blog posts from some developers that you can all comment on and speak with through.
Hope you all enjoy!

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PixelDust Project || News

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