TG Telegram Group & Channel
OROSOFT TECHNOLOGIES | United States America (US)
Create: Update:

Stats for the sticker set Nagaa by @orosoft:

Usage today: 3
Installed today: 0
Removed today: 0

Usage yesterday: 69
Installed yesterday: 6
Removed yesterday: 2

Total usage: 388637
Total installed: 30352
Total removed: 5176
(Total – since 12 pm UTC, 09/17/2015)

To get stats for a particular day, month or year, send me a message in the format MM/DD/YYYY, MM/YYYY or YYYY.

Forwarded from Stickers Bot
Stats for the sticker set Nagaa by @orosoft:

Usage today: 3
Installed today: 0
Removed today: 0

Usage yesterday: 69
Installed yesterday: 6
Removed yesterday: 2

Total usage: 388637
Total installed: 30352
Total removed: 5176
(Total – since 12 pm UTC, 09/17/2015)

To get stats for a particular day, month or year, send me a message in the format MM/DD/YYYY, MM/YYYY or YYYY.

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United States America Popular Telegram Group (US)