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Important information!

Tomorrow our team will take a snapshot on the blockchain and all the awards within the airdrop will be finally recorded. Therefore, if you have not yet linked your Cadabra wallets to Nominex/Nomiswap, then you need to do this before the snapshot.

The distribution of ABRA tokens itself will take place later.

Nominex News Channel
Attention! We have made it possible to bind a wallet from Cadabra Finance to Nomiswap or Nominex in order to take part in the ABRA token airdrop. You only need to link your wallet if your Nomiswap wallet is different from your Cadabra wallet or if you used…
Important information!

Tomorrow our team will take a snapshot on the blockchain and all the awards within the airdrop will be finally recorded. Therefore, if you have not yet linked your Cadabra wallets to Nominex/Nomiswap, then you need to do this before the snapshot.

The distribution of ABRA tokens itself will take place later.

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