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Nicholas J. Fuentes | United States America (US)
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Why would a BASED tradcath e-girl sympathize with two liberal Jewish single-mother whores, rather than the men criticizing them?

I thought this one was different? The legendary 1% e-girl that totally isn’t an attention-seeking whore whose insipid boilerplate commentary is absolutely essential for DA MOVEMENT.

What ever happened to her engagement with Will Witt by the way?

Why would a BASED tradcath e-girl sympathize with two liberal Jewish single-mother whores, rather than the men criticizing them?

I thought this one was different? The legendary 1% e-girl that totally isn’t an attention-seeking whore whose insipid boilerplate commentary is absolutely essential for DA MOVEMENT.

What ever happened to her engagement with Will Witt by the way?

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Nicholas J. Fuentes

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