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​​Vazhachal Falls

Vazhachal Falls, situated near Thrissur, presents a stunning spectacle of cascading waters against the backdrop of lush greenery, making it a favorite among nature enthusiasts. Located close to the famous Athirapally Falls, Vazhachal provides a more serene and less crowded alternative for those seeking tranquility. Its untouched beauty combined with the melodic sound of flowing water makes it an idyllic escape from urban life.
🏝 @Kerala | @Malayalam 🥥

Forwarded from Kerala
​​Vazhachal Falls

Vazhachal Falls, situated near Thrissur, presents a stunning spectacle of cascading waters against the backdrop of lush greenery, making it a favorite among nature enthusiasts. Located close to the famous Athirapally Falls, Vazhachal provides a more serene and less crowded alternative for those seeking tranquility. Its untouched beauty combined with the melodic sound of flowing water makes it an idyllic escape from urban life.
🏝 @Kerala | @Malayalam 🥥

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