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​​Chinese Fishing Nets

Chinese fishing nets, also known as Cheena wala are seen quite frequently in Kochi. These are stationary lift nets fixed at a particular place operated from the shore using mechanical contrivances to fishing nets almost 20m across.

This unique way of fishing was introduced by the Chinese traders in the 14th century extending its relevance to “Ko-chi”, meaning China like. Sunsets across the backwaters, rivers or sea offer a panoramic splendour of the skyline with silhouettes of Chinese fishing nets in the backdrop.

🏝 @Kerala | @Malayalam 🥥

Forwarded from Kerala
​​Chinese Fishing Nets

Chinese fishing nets, also known as Cheena wala are seen quite frequently in Kochi. These are stationary lift nets fixed at a particular place operated from the shore using mechanical contrivances to fishing nets almost 20m across.

This unique way of fishing was introduced by the Chinese traders in the 14th century extending its relevance to “Ko-chi”, meaning China like. Sunsets across the backwaters, rivers or sea offer a panoramic splendour of the skyline with silhouettes of Chinese fishing nets in the backdrop.

🏝 @Kerala | @Malayalam 🥥

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