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​​Chalai Bazaar

An ancient Indian market that is spread on a small stretch of 2 km that connects Killippalam and East Fort. The market is famous for exotic fruits and vegetables, gold and silver jewellery, electronics and furniture. Chalai’s bazaar is known to be the busiest markets of Kerala that comes with a stunning variety of items in the vibrant shops. A prime destination for shopping, you can go splurge on and explore the winding alleys of this intriguing bazaar in Trivandrum.
🏝 @Kerala | @Malayalam 🥥

Forwarded from Kerala
​​Chalai Bazaar

An ancient Indian market that is spread on a small stretch of 2 km that connects Killippalam and East Fort. The market is famous for exotic fruits and vegetables, gold and silver jewellery, electronics and furniture. Chalai’s bazaar is known to be the busiest markets of Kerala that comes with a stunning variety of items in the vibrant shops. A prime destination for shopping, you can go splurge on and explore the winding alleys of this intriguing bazaar in Trivandrum.
🏝 @Kerala | @Malayalam 🥥

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