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​​Vypin Island

Vypin Island is one of the islands that make up the cities of Kochi and Ernakulam. It is located just north of Fort Kochi and can be reached by ferry or by road. It is a long, narrow island, about 27 kilometres long and less than two kilometres wide at its widest point. Moreover, the Goshree Bridge, which is about 3 kilometres long and touches two other islands, connects it to mainland Kochi.
Despite being one of the world’s most densely populated islands, the drive along Vypin Island is very scenic. The Arabian Sea is on the west, and the scenic backwaters are on the east. Furthermore, palm trees line both sides of the walkway. Vypin Island also has a lighthouse and offers a surrounding view of the nearby beaches.

🏝 @Kerala | @Malayalam 🥥

Forwarded from Kerala
​​Vypin Island

Vypin Island is one of the islands that make up the cities of Kochi and Ernakulam. It is located just north of Fort Kochi and can be reached by ferry or by road. It is a long, narrow island, about 27 kilometres long and less than two kilometres wide at its widest point. Moreover, the Goshree Bridge, which is about 3 kilometres long and touches two other islands, connects it to mainland Kochi.
Despite being one of the world’s most densely populated islands, the drive along Vypin Island is very scenic. The Arabian Sea is on the west, and the scenic backwaters are on the east. Furthermore, palm trees line both sides of the walkway. Vypin Island also has a lighthouse and offers a surrounding view of the nearby beaches.

🏝 @Kerala | @Malayalam 🥥

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