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When it comes to Idukki sightseeing, exploring the picturesque hill resort of Painavu is an ideal and a must-thing to do for all travelers. Much famed as the headquarters of Idukki district, Painavu is one of the famous tourist attractions in Idukki. Perched at an altitude of 3,900 ft. and situated inside the Idukki Wildlife Sanctuary, Painavu is also considered to be a great destination for trekkers.
🏝 @Kerala | @Malayalam 🥥

Forwarded from Kerala

When it comes to Idukki sightseeing, exploring the picturesque hill resort of Painavu is an ideal and a must-thing to do for all travelers. Much famed as the headquarters of Idukki district, Painavu is one of the famous tourist attractions in Idukki. Perched at an altitude of 3,900 ft. and situated inside the Idukki Wildlife Sanctuary, Painavu is also considered to be a great destination for trekkers.
🏝 @Kerala | @Malayalam 🥥

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