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​​Anakarra Falls

Anakarra Falls are located in the peaceful village located in Idukki district and covers an area of nearly 50 square kilometers. It is located nearly 18 kilometers from Idukki Wildlife Sanctuary and is famous for its unique spice plantations and stunning waterfalls. You can also take a trek to this beautiful village and capture the true vibe of this mystic place. This is surely one of the best Idukki tourist places.
🏝 @Kerala | @Malayalam 🥥

Forwarded from Kerala
​​Anakarra Falls

Anakarra Falls are located in the peaceful village located in Idukki district and covers an area of nearly 50 square kilometers. It is located nearly 18 kilometers from Idukki Wildlife Sanctuary and is famous for its unique spice plantations and stunning waterfalls. You can also take a trek to this beautiful village and capture the true vibe of this mystic place. This is surely one of the best Idukki tourist places.
🏝 @Kerala | @Malayalam 🥥

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