TG Telegram Group & Channel
International Geographic | United States America (US)
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Dear fellow travelers!
Our team has been hatching the idea of making this channel truly international for a long time.
The essence of the idea is this: to find worthy people from different countries among the subscribers of this channel who could publish an interesting post about their country once a month through a special deferred posting service.
Expected benefits:
increased quantity, variety and quality of content.
Expected negative consequences:
it is impossible to make sure in advance that the co-author will be conscientious and then all the advantages will turn into disadvantages.
It is impossible to predict unequivocally how this experiment will end.
Therefore, this issue is being put to the vote:
(we also invite you to comment on this idea)

Dear fellow travelers!
Our team has been hatching the idea of making this channel truly international for a long time.
The essence of the idea is this: to find worthy people from different countries among the subscribers of this channel who could publish an interesting post about their country once a month through a special deferred posting service.
Expected benefits:
increased quantity, variety and quality of content.
Expected negative consequences:
it is impossible to make sure in advance that the co-author will be conscientious and then all the advantages will turn into disadvantages.
It is impossible to predict unequivocally how this experiment will end.
Therefore, this issue is being put to the vote:
(we also invite you to comment on this idea)

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International Geographic

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United States America Popular Telegram Group (US)