TG Telegram Group & Channel
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) :

What language do the channel audiences speak?
The members of the channels are from different countries and most of them understand English to some extent
What is the average traffic on your channels in 24 hours?
The average number of views in all channels of each list during 24 hours is a minimum of 50,000 views and a maximum of 100,000 views.
What is the minimum budget required to purchase an ad?
If you want to buy an ad, you must have at least $ 25, and this is the minimum amount required to advertise for one hour in one of the lists.
I want to publish my ad on only one channel. Is it possible?
Unfortunately it is not possible because we have reduced the price of advertising as much as possible so that everyone can choose at least one of the advertising plans that we put at the bottom of each list.
What payment methods do you support?
You can see the list of payment methods in this post👇
How many admins do you have?
Our only valid and qualified admin at the moment is this account: @HomeofadsOfficial

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) :

What language do the channel audiences speak?
The members of the channels are from different countries and most of them understand English to some extent
What is the average traffic on your channels in 24 hours?
The average number of views in all channels of each list during 24 hours is a minimum of 50,000 views and a maximum of 100,000 views.
What is the minimum budget required to purchase an ad?
If you want to buy an ad, you must have at least $ 25, and this is the minimum amount required to advertise for one hour in one of the lists.
I want to publish my ad on only one channel. Is it possible?
Unfortunately it is not possible because we have reduced the price of advertising as much as possible so that everyone can choose at least one of the advertising plans that we put at the bottom of each list.
What payment methods do you support?
You can see the list of payment methods in this post👇
How many admins do you have?
Our only valid and qualified admin at the moment is this account: @HomeofadsOfficial

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