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香港編年史📒 | United States America (US)
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針對住最近香港政府不斷強制市民用監控軟件「安心出行」,同埋夾硬要求GitLab刪除安心回家嘅行為呢,我地香港編年史團隊已經同其他有志之士密鑼緊鼓,整緊幾個新嘅Project喇,係幫助大家擾亂、抗擊香港政府嘅監控行為㗎,Stay Tuned😘


Recently, Hong Kong government keep forcing citizens to use the government-developed mobile app “Leave Home Safe” for mass surveillance, meanwhile requesting GitLab to take down open source projects with similar appearance and similar names. In response, the HKChronicles team has cooperated with other activists and had already started several projects to help citizens fighting and disturbing the government’s mass surveillance. Stay Tuned😘

Also, we will upload new data to our website soon. Thank you for all your support.


針對住最近香港政府不斷強制市民用監控軟件「安心出行」,同埋夾硬要求GitLab刪除安心回家嘅行為呢,我地香港編年史團隊已經同其他有志之士密鑼緊鼓,整緊幾個新嘅Project喇,係幫助大家擾亂、抗擊香港政府嘅監控行為㗎,Stay Tuned😘


Recently, Hong Kong government keep forcing citizens to use the government-developed mobile app “Leave Home Safe” for mass surveillance, meanwhile requesting GitLab to take down open source projects with similar appearance and similar names. In response, the HKChronicles team has cooperated with other activists and had already started several projects to help citizens fighting and disturbing the government’s mass surveillance. Stay Tuned😘

Also, we will upload new data to our website soon. Thank you for all your support.

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