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網站同Telegram Bot服務已經恢復咗喇,如果有任何地方出現錯誤嘅話,請同陳妍茵 @naomicyy 反映啦,多謝大家體諒。

Website and Telegram Bot services have been resumed. If you encountered errors while using our services, please do not hesitate to contact our administrator Naomi Chan @naomicyy. Thank you for your patience.

網站同Telegram Bot服務已經恢復咗喇,如果有任何地方出現錯誤嘅話,請同陳妍茵 @naomicyy 反映啦,多謝大家體諒。

Website and Telegram Bot services have been resumed. If you encountered errors while using our services, please do not hesitate to contact our administrator Naomi Chan @naomicyy. Thank you for your patience.

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