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Decision Trees, Random Forests, AdaBoost & XGBoost in R
Decision Trees and Ensembling techinques in R studio. Bagging, Random Forest, GBM, AdaBoost & XGBoost in R programming

Solid understanding of decision trees, bagging, Random Forest and Boosting techniques in R studio
Understand the business scenarios where decision tree models are applicable
Tune decision tree model's hyperparameters and evaluate its performance.
Use decision trees to make predictions

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Decision Trees, Random Forests, AdaBoost & XGBoost in R
Decision Trees and Ensembling techinques in R studio. Bagging, Random Forest, GBM, AdaBoost & XGBoost in R programming

Solid understanding of decision trees, bagging, Random Forest and Boosting techniques in R studio
Understand the business scenarios where decision tree models are applicable
Tune decision tree model's hyperparameters and evaluate its performance.
Use decision trees to make predictions

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