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Flawsome_poetry | United States America (US)
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Infinite Lives
We each live with our own destined paths
Unfortunately we don't have clear maps
We get lost every now and then
But we always find our way even in the rain
Life can be so cruel and unexpected 
But it can also be kind and elated 
Am I living, surving or existing 
Neither I'm just peacefully hoping
That I find something worth holding 
I'm consumed by all the darkness that lie within
So I'm not sure if I can overcome therein 
My mind is in a petrified state
I have no energy to be so great 
I'm just going along for the ride
Then hopefully something tangible will be mine 
I'll keep searching, hoping and living 
So that I can create a memory worth reliving
Something so genuine and clear of lies 
I'll do so even if I it takes Infinite lives 

#depthofmyloneliness #Adnan A

Infinite Lives
We each live with our own destined paths
Unfortunately we don't have clear maps
We get lost every now and then
But we always find our way even in the rain
Life can be so cruel and unexpected 
But it can also be kind and elated 
Am I living, surving or existing 
Neither I'm just peacefully hoping
That I find something worth holding 
I'm consumed by all the darkness that lie within
So I'm not sure if I can overcome therein 
My mind is in a petrified state
I have no energy to be so great 
I'm just going along for the ride
Then hopefully something tangible will be mine 
I'll keep searching, hoping and living 
So that I can create a memory worth reliving
Something so genuine and clear of lies 
I'll do so even if I it takes Infinite lives 

#depthofmyloneliness #Adnan A

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