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Flawsome_poetry | United States America (US)
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I am an African girl, strong and free,
Rooted in the land of ancient ancestry.
With golden sunsets and vibrant hues,
I dance to rhythms only Africa can fuse.

In the heartbeat of the savannah's wild,
I find my spirit, untamed and undefiled.
The lioness within me roars with pride,
As I walk with grace, by nature's side.

From the flowing Nile to Victoria's Falls,
I am connected to nature's ancient calls.
In the wilderness, I find my sanctuary,
Embracing the wild, a creature contrary.

My skin, a tapestry of ebony and gold,
Holds stories untold, of legends of old.
A canvas painted with resilience and might,
A testament to Africa's eternal light.

In the rhythm of drums and joyful song,
I find my voice, fierce and strong.
Through adversity and struggle, I rise,
Like the Phoenix soaring through the skies.

I am an African girl, unbreakable and true,
Endowed with wisdom passed down through
Generations of queens and warriors bold,
Whose stories and strength forever unfold.

I carry the dreams of my ancestors past,
Their hopes and aspirations, a flame to last.
With every step, I honor their legacy,
For I am an African girl, destined to be free.

So, let the world hear my vibrant voice,
A celebration of Africa, my eternal choice.
I am an African girl, resilient and pure,
Forever connected to this sacred allure.


I am an African girl, strong and free,
Rooted in the land of ancient ancestry.
With golden sunsets and vibrant hues,
I dance to rhythms only Africa can fuse.

In the heartbeat of the savannah's wild,
I find my spirit, untamed and undefiled.
The lioness within me roars with pride,
As I walk with grace, by nature's side.

From the flowing Nile to Victoria's Falls,
I am connected to nature's ancient calls.
In the wilderness, I find my sanctuary,
Embracing the wild, a creature contrary.

My skin, a tapestry of ebony and gold,
Holds stories untold, of legends of old.
A canvas painted with resilience and might,
A testament to Africa's eternal light.

In the rhythm of drums and joyful song,
I find my voice, fierce and strong.
Through adversity and struggle, I rise,
Like the Phoenix soaring through the skies.

I am an African girl, unbreakable and true,
Endowed with wisdom passed down through
Generations of queens and warriors bold,
Whose stories and strength forever unfold.

I carry the dreams of my ancestors past,
Their hopes and aspirations, a flame to last.
With every step, I honor their legacy,
For I am an African girl, destined to be free.

So, let the world hear my vibrant voice,
A celebration of Africa, my eternal choice.
I am an African girl, resilient and pure,
Forever connected to this sacred allure.


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United States America Popular Telegram Group (US)