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Falling again

Falling raindrops from the sky
whispering in her ears
That she's not the only one
Who's falling and feeling lost

Dark clouds in the sky
Whispering in her ears
That she's not the only one
Who's gloomy and carrying the burden

Thunder storms from the sky
Reminding her
That she's not the only one
Who's been shattering and screaming

The Lightning strikes from the sky
Reminding her
That she's not the only one
Who's been broken and torn apart.


~Reema Faarath Rasmi~

Falling again

Falling raindrops from the sky
whispering in her ears
That she's not the only one
Who's falling and feeling lost

Dark clouds in the sky
Whispering in her ears
That she's not the only one
Who's gloomy and carrying the burden

Thunder storms from the sky
Reminding her
That she's not the only one
Who's been shattering and screaming

The Lightning strikes from the sky
Reminding her
That she's not the only one
Who's been broken and torn apart.


~Reema Faarath Rasmi~

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