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Flawsome_poetry | United States America (US)
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Moonlight walks
We've never actually met 
And yet talking to you feels so great
I was getting tired of all those superficial talks
Then you came along to set me free from thise locks
You are truly beautiful 
And the energy you give is so plentiful
Our friendship so pure and true,
It wipes away all fear and gloom,
Compassion forever grows between us two,
It's never lost and stays in view.
We lend our hearts and lend a hand,
To make this bond of friendship grand,
Sorrow fades as joy appears,
Our loving bond for many years.
Our friendship's strong and ever fair,
Forever united in hearts we share,
When one just needs an ear to hear,
The other is always there to cheer.
In thine heart don't hesitate,
For the love that resides here doesn't abate,
Compassionate hearts show us how love should be seen,
Joyful laughter is shared so sweetly in between.
A candle in the night, for two friends filled with light,
Our games and laughter fill the room, a private sanctuary no one can consume
Within these walls of laughter lies a compassion for each other that never dies
Finding solace in their friendship, moments of joy found by surprise.
Not of substance or wealth but the ties that bind, letting those around them know they’ll be alright
Confidence carries them through all storms to come, side by side, until setting sun
Help and encourage both to reach great heights, a flame kept alive throughout nights
This bond forged between two cannot tear or fail, so long as love and friendship will prevail.
I want to get to know you more and be by your side so we can talk
Then maybe one day we can finally go on one of those Moonlight Walks.


Moonlight walks
We've never actually met 
And yet talking to you feels so great
I was getting tired of all those superficial talks
Then you came along to set me free from thise locks
You are truly beautiful 
And the energy you give is so plentiful
Our friendship so pure and true,
It wipes away all fear and gloom,
Compassion forever grows between us two,
It's never lost and stays in view.
We lend our hearts and lend a hand,
To make this bond of friendship grand,
Sorrow fades as joy appears,
Our loving bond for many years.
Our friendship's strong and ever fair,
Forever united in hearts we share,
When one just needs an ear to hear,
The other is always there to cheer.
In thine heart don't hesitate,
For the love that resides here doesn't abate,
Compassionate hearts show us how love should be seen,
Joyful laughter is shared so sweetly in between.
A candle in the night, for two friends filled with light,
Our games and laughter fill the room, a private sanctuary no one can consume
Within these walls of laughter lies a compassion for each other that never dies
Finding solace in their friendship, moments of joy found by surprise.
Not of substance or wealth but the ties that bind, letting those around them know they’ll be alright
Confidence carries them through all storms to come, side by side, until setting sun
Help and encourage both to reach great heights, a flame kept alive throughout nights
This bond forged between two cannot tear or fail, so long as love and friendship will prevail.
I want to get to know you more and be by your side so we can talk
Then maybe one day we can finally go on one of those Moonlight Walks.


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United States America Popular Telegram Group (US)