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Flawsome_poetry | United States America (US)
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Brooklyn Stars
Even tho you're just a location 
You took me away and gave me a revelation 
I made many mistakes that  were oh so bright 
But you came along and made things right 
You're as old as the dusk of time 
And I'm younger than this written line
We live in two different worlds
And yet we came to be friends 
Or was all that an illusion 
Created from the depth of my imagination 
I miss all the talks and the late night conversations 
They didn't last long but they had all of my attention 
We talked about life, our dreams and all
But sometimes we'd end up hitting a wall
You recharge your batteries so worn out
I'd get bored waiting throughout 
You were as genuine as life itself
But in the end I kept doubting myself
What can I do to talk to you again
Cause I can't handle all this pain
Without you all it does is rain
But I know all my efforts are all so vain
 I wish deep down that I went to Mars
Cause then I'd avoid these Brooklyn Stars


Brooklyn Stars
Even tho you're just a location 
You took me away and gave me a revelation 
I made many mistakes that  were oh so bright 
But you came along and made things right 
You're as old as the dusk of time 
And I'm younger than this written line
We live in two different worlds
And yet we came to be friends 
Or was all that an illusion 
Created from the depth of my imagination 
I miss all the talks and the late night conversations 
They didn't last long but they had all of my attention 
We talked about life, our dreams and all
But sometimes we'd end up hitting a wall
You recharge your batteries so worn out
I'd get bored waiting throughout 
You were as genuine as life itself
But in the end I kept doubting myself
What can I do to talk to you again
Cause I can't handle all this pain
Without you all it does is rain
But I know all my efforts are all so vain
 I wish deep down that I went to Mars
Cause then I'd avoid these Brooklyn Stars


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