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🔔 idle

✳️ If an engine or machine idles, it runs slowly but does not move or do any work

He left the engine idling and ran into the shop.

🔔 sigh

✳️ to breathe out slowly and noisily, expressing tiredness, sadness, pleasure, etc

She sighed deeply and sat down.(as a verb)
He leaned back in his seat with a sigh(as a noun)

🔔 chime

✳️ to make a clear ringing sound

tablet chiming
In the square the church bells chimed

🔔 pipe down

✳️ stop talking; be less noisy.

everybody pipe down, please

🔔 clinking

✳️ a short ringing sound like pieces of glass or metal knocking lightly together

the clinking of glasses
silverware clinking

🔔 saliva

✳️ the liquid produced in your mouth to keep the mouth wet and to help to prepare food to be digested

You know how birds use saliva as a glue to hold together their nests?

🔔 spit

✳️ to force out the contents of the mouth, especially saliva

They bought watermelons and ate them as they walked, spitting out the seeds.
🔔 legacy

✳️ money or property that you receive from someone after they die

An elderly cousin had left her a small legacy.
🔔 scoff

✳️ to laugh and talk about a person or idea in a way that shows that you think they are stupid or silly

The critics scoffed at his paintings.
Years ago people would have scoffed at the idea that cars would be built by robots.
🔔 definitely

✳️ without any doubt

Have you definitely decided to go to Costa Rica?



🔔 idle

✳️ If an engine or machine idles, it runs slowly but does not move or do any work

He left the engine idling and ran into the shop.

🔔 sigh

✳️ to breathe out slowly and noisily, expressing tiredness, sadness, pleasure, etc

She sighed deeply and sat down.(as a verb)
He leaned back in his seat with a sigh(as a noun)

🔔 chime

✳️ to make a clear ringing sound

tablet chiming
In the square the church bells chimed

🔔 pipe down

✳️ stop talking; be less noisy.

everybody pipe down, please

🔔 clinking

✳️ a short ringing sound like pieces of glass or metal knocking lightly together

the clinking of glasses
silverware clinking

🔔 saliva

✳️ the liquid produced in your mouth to keep the mouth wet and to help to prepare food to be digested

You know how birds use saliva as a glue to hold together their nests?

🔔 spit

✳️ to force out the contents of the mouth, especially saliva

They bought watermelons and ate them as they walked, spitting out the seeds.
🔔 legacy

✳️ money or property that you receive from someone after they die

An elderly cousin had left her a small legacy.
🔔 scoff

✳️ to laugh and talk about a person or idea in a way that shows that you think they are stupid or silly

The critics scoffed at his paintings.
Years ago people would have scoffed at the idea that cars would be built by robots.
🔔 definitely

✳️ without any doubt

Have you definitely decided to go to Costa Rica?



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