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Screen grabs from the «Holo - Bold» music video. Color graded by Titash Chowdhury

Director/ Cinematographer: Chandler David
Producer: Chris Vickers-Rynecki
Colorist: Titash Chowdhury

Film Profile: Kodak Vision 250D
Print Profile: Kodak 2383
Effects: Halation, Bloom

Shot on Sony FX3 & RED Komodo 6K

You can watch the video here:

Screen grabs from the «Holo - Bold» music video. Color graded by Titash Chowdhury

Director/ Cinematographer: Chandler David
Producer: Chris Vickers-Rynecki
Colorist: Titash Chowdhury

Film Profile: Kodak Vision 250D
Print Profile: Kodak 2383
Effects: Halation, Bloom

Shot on Sony FX3 & RED Komodo 6K

You can watch the video here:

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