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Screen grabs from the «Happy Rabbit - Napalm Dog official music video. Color graded by Misha Denisov

Dir, DP, edit: Oliver Rudolph
Color: Misha Denisov

Film profile: Kodak Kodachrome 64 (Experimental)

Shot on Red Gemini 5K with Zeiss LWZ.3 21-100

You can watch the full video here:

Screen grabs from the «Happy Rabbit - Napalm Dog official music video. Color graded by Misha Denisov

Dir, DP, edit: Oliver Rudolph
Color: Misha Denisov

Film profile: Kodak Kodachrome 64 (Experimental)

Shot on Red Gemini 5K with Zeiss LWZ.3 21-100

You can watch the full video here:

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