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Channel: Dead
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“I don’t know how to say this without being mean” the person who was mean way before leading up to saying this
When it’s clear that you love him more than he loves you, it’s time to end it
If someone tells you they feel bad because they feel like they’re using you but likes hooking up with you, it’s because they’re using you
Know in your heart and mind, soul and with your entire being that you did not deserve mistreatment and everything they put you through, you deserve so much more and so much better than that
I just wanna be your reminder that you’re here to live not to survive
أما الذين قُتُلوا في سبيل الله فالصورة صورة أموات، والحقيقة أنهم أحياء عند ربهم يُرزقون، لا خوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون، وأما الذين لم يُقتلوا فالصورة صورة أحياء، والحقيقة أنهم أموات في أكبال العجز والقهر والألم والاضطراب، ففيهم التهاني وفينا التعازي، وإنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون
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لا تحرمونى الأجر استغفِروا معى، لعلَّ بابًا مُغلقًا يُفتح لى ولكم.
If you could read my mind, you'd be in tears
I'm the kind of person who needs to live alone
I called this channel ( Dead ) 😒
because it looks like that sometimes
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yeah u cute but can u handle my anxiety
crazy how trauma makes u push people away when all u want is love
Begging someone to see my worth is something i’ll never do, appreciate me while i’m here or miss out
No matter how much you like someone, make them respect you first
She lonely
Sometimes you have to leave people alone because they think you can’t
trying even if you don't deserve it
it hurts when you go through something that destroys you inside but you have to act like it doesn't affect you at all
Something died in me bro, i haven’t been the same since years now
if you want me, make me feel that
You spend most of your time inside your head, make it a cute place
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2024/06/07 19:35:33
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