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In five years you won’t care how long it took, you'll just be glad you did it
‎⁨سورة البقرة ⁩.pdf
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مصحف التهجد لمن يجدون صعوبة في قراءة سورة البقرة يومياً، جُمِعتْ فيه سورة البقرة في 12 صفحة فقط ❤️
can we normalize ignoring people until you're in a good mood
Crazy how stuff just fall in place when you’re literally trying to figure out how it's going to work for you i love that about Allah he’s going to make a way out of no way
It's the reciprocity for me
I deserve to be filled the same way I pour
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‏اللهم في يوم الجمعه" أرزقني البركة في كل ما أملك، في جسدي وروحي وقلبي وحياتي وعائلتي ومسكني وأرضي وسمائي ولحظاتي وسكناتي وصمتي وحديثي وكل مايحيط بي، اللهم افتح لي أبواب الخير والتيسير وصد عني أبواب الشر والتعسير، فلا حول ولا قوة لي إلا بك، بك استعين وبك استجير وبك اكتفي"
Sometimes life puts you in the same situation again to see if you're still stupid or not
I love people who don’t leave my channel even if i don’t post a lot in it for some time
this is beautiful
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Big love for y’all
There’s nothing wrong with you if you keep to yourself and don't entertain drama and gossip, people may perceive you as a quiet person or portray this as a negative attribute, puch people don’t need to prove anything because they constantly indulge in drama are afraid of loneliness and silence, respect yourself and don't react, they don't deserve your precious energy, not everyone will understand the deep silence within you, those who crave depth will find you, just yourself, you don't need to feel any pressure because someone else thinks you don't talk much or spend too much time alone, you know yourself in a world where everyone is trying to fit in, be yourself
Don't teach me loyalty okay ? I still keep the secrets of people who throw mud at my name
If you repeat words a lot that are not supported by actions, they begin to lose meaning
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‏اللهم إنها أول جمعة من شهر رمضان اجعلها جمعة جابره لقلوبنا ، اللهمّ جبرًا لقلبي و روحي ، اللهم أرني الفرح في كل ما أريد ، يارب العوض الجميل بعد الصبر الطويل ، اللهم دربًا لا تضيق به الحياة ، يارب إزرع في قلبي راحة دائمة وأملًا لا يخيب ، اللهم إرزقنى فرحة تعوض قلبى عن كل ما فات🤍
The older I get, the more I realize that it's completely normal to live a life that others don't understand، It’s normal not to make excuses for your choice, for the lifestyle you lead, it’s normal not to prove anything to anyone, to live at your own pace and be who you want to be and where you want to be, and not who others want you to be
There's nothing better than watching
how your prayers become reality
If Allah has prescribed something for you, it will be yours,and no matter how long it takes, how far it is from you and no matter how difficult it is
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2024/05/13 23:35:41
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