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Anti Drone Techwear
(Roupa Anti Drone)

p r o t e j a - s e
|A morte vem de cima|

Com o aumento da vigilância em massa estamos cada vez mais expostos e vulneráveis, devemos ter cuidado até com os céus.


p r o t e c t  t h y s e l f
|Death comes from above|

With the increase of mass surveillance we are getting more exposed and vulnerable each day, we must be careful even with the skies.

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#drone #privacy #wearable

Anti Drone Techwear
(Roupa Anti Drone)

p r o t e j a - s e
|A morte vem de cima|

Com o aumento da vigilância em massa estamos cada vez mais expostos e vulneráveis, devemos ter cuidado até com os céus.

p r o t e c t  t h y s e l f
|Death comes from above|

With the increase of mass surveillance we are getting more exposed and vulnerable each day, we must be careful even with the skies.

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#drone #privacy #wearable

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[ cyber<>punkrs ]

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United States America Popular Telegram Group (US)