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#中東王子 #非愚人節消息

知情人士向《南華早報》透露,早前在本港釀起虛實 (aka 雞棚)家族辦公室風波的杜拜王子,一度以歌手身份在菲律賓走紅。🇵🇭

據稱佢嘅藝名乃 “Alira” :

“Two sources said that Sheikh Ali Rashed Ali Saeed Al Maktoum was also known as Alira, while checks by the Post of the performer’s videos available online and a now-defunct website about his showbiz career showed a striking resemblance between the two identities.”

仲聽講好多菲律賓籍fans 都記得佢、懷念佢 🎤

Source: SCMP

#中東王子 據知情人士解釋,如果政府要due diligence 每一個 guest 就太過 “challenging” 喎: “The Post learned the government went ahead with the meeting on the basis of the prince’s announcement of his plan to invest and that he was confirmed to be royalty. “Similarly, there was also…
#中東王子 #非愚人節消息

知情人士向《南華早報》透露,早前在本港釀起虛實 (aka 雞棚)家族辦公室風波的杜拜王子,一度以歌手身份在菲律賓走紅。🇵🇭

據稱佢嘅藝名乃 “Alira” :

“Two sources said that Sheikh Ali Rashed Ali Saeed Al Maktoum was also known as Alira, while checks by the Post of the performer’s videos available online and a now-defunct website about his showbiz career showed a striking resemblance between the two identities.”

仲聽講好多菲律賓籍fans 都記得佢、懷念佢 🎤

Source: SCMP

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