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Want to understand how the CCP affects the Canadian government and our resistance?

其中一個方法係留意住加國議會嘅加中關係特別委員會 (CACN)。
One of the ways is through the Special Committee on Canada-People’s Republic of China Relations (CACN).

CACN 會議時間 :
CACN meeting times :

每週二 東岸時間 下午六點半
Every Tuesday 6:30pm EST.
喺呢度睇 Watch here:

CACN is currently studying:

* 中共對加拿大嘅滲透
* Foreign influence and interference in Canada
* 委員會嘅議員亦對中國對台灣嘅侵略、加中國際貿易同經濟關係深表興趣
* MPs also expressed strong interest to investigate: PRC’s aggression against Taiwan; Canada’s international trade and economic relationship with the PRC.


Want to understand how the CCP affects the Canadian government and our resistance?

其中一個方法係留意住加國議會嘅加中關係特別委員會 (CACN)。
One of the ways is through the Special Committee on Canada-People’s Republic of China Relations (CACN).

CACN 會議時間 :
CACN meeting times :

每週二 東岸時間 下午六點半
Every Tuesday 6:30pm EST.
喺呢度睇 Watch here:

CACN is currently studying:

* 中共對加拿大嘅滲透
* Foreign influence and interference in Canada
* 委員會嘅議員亦對中國對台灣嘅侵略、加中國際貿易同經濟關係深表興趣
* MPs also expressed strong interest to investigate: PRC’s aggression against Taiwan; Canada’s international trade and economic relationship with the PRC.


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加拿大活動頻道 Canada-wide Action Channel

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