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Everyone has their own way of healing. It might be to stop talking to certain people for a while. It might be waking up every morning and buying yourself a drink at Starbucks. It might be making new friends. It might be walking in the rain without an umbrella while tears take a stroll down your cheeks. Sometimes when life gets too hard all we want is to stop feeling like winter is wrapped in between our veins. Everyone has their own way of healing because every fall can be the same, but every fall can cause a different type of trauma.

Everyone has their own way of healing. It might be to stop talking to certain people for a while. It might be waking up every morning and buying yourself a drink at Starbucks. It might be making new friends. It might be walking in the rain without an umbrella while tears take a stroll down your cheeks. Sometimes when life gets too hard all we want is to stop feeling like winter is wrapped in between our veins. Everyone has their own way of healing because every fall can be the same, but every fall can cause a different type of trauma.

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